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Three Symptoms of a faulty brake Wheel Cylinder

The brake wheel cylinder is a hydraulic cylinder that is a part of the drum brake assembly. A wheel cylinder receives hydraulic pressure from the master cylinder and uses it to exert force on brake shoes to stop the wheels. Upon prolonged use, a wheel cylinder may start to fail.

It is very important to know the signs of a failing wheel cylinder. A faulty wheel cylinder has three major signs:

1.Soft or Mushy Brake Pedal: A faulty wheel cylinder causes the brake pedal to feel soft or mushy. When the pedal is depressed, t slowly sinks towards the floor.

2.Delayed Brake Response: Another major sign of a failing wheel cylinder is delayed brake response. Due to any fault in the wheel cylinder, the hydraulic circuit fails to convey the foot pressure to the wheel cylinder quickly.

3.Leaking Cylinders: Leaking brake oil is a telltale sign of a faulty wheel cylinder. A simple visual inspection can determine whether there is a brake oil leakage from the wheel cylinders.

Post time: Sep-21-2023