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What oil can be used instead of brake fluid, do you know brake fluid?

Cars have become an important means of transportation in our lives. If the part on the car is the most important, it is estimated that in addition to the power system, it is the braking system, because the power system ensures our normal driving, and the braking system ensures our Safe driving, then today I will introduce to you what oil can be used instead of brake oil!

What oil can be used instead of brake fluid – how?

brake fluid

Automobile braking methods are divided into two forms: oil brake and air brake. The oil brake system has a compact structure, small size, large and uniform braking torque, sensitive and rapid braking, low energy consumption, and can prolong the service life of tires. It is not only widely used in small cars, but also widely used in heavy-duty trucks. Automotive brake fluid, also known as brake fluid, is a fluid used to transmit pressure in automotive hydraulic braking systems.

What oil can be used instead of brake fluid – brake fluid

brake fluid 1

Brake fluid is the liquid medium that transmits braking pressure in the hydraulic braking system of automobiles, and is used in vehicles with hydraulic braking systems. Brake fluid is also called brake fluid or force fluid. There are three types of brake fluid: castor oil-alcohol type, synthetic type, and mineral oil type. If you accidentally mix gasoline, diesel oil or glass water into the brake fluid, it will greatly affect the braking effect. It should be replaced in time. There are also different types and brands of brake fluids that cannot be mixed.

What oil can be used instead of brake fluid – precautions

刹车油图片In order to ensure driving safety, the use and replacement of brake oil must not be sloppy. Be careful not to replace brake oil with other oils. Do not use oil instead of brake oil. The brake oil has good solubility and no corrosion, and is not easy to produce precipitation. Oil does not have the above characteristics. If it is used instead of brake oil, it is easy to produce precipitation, and the rubber device of the brake system will expand and cause the brake to fail.

The above is the complete introduction to what kind of oil can be used to replace brake oil. For the introduction of what kind of oil can be used to replace the brake oil, the editor has introduced three aspects, namely the introduction of the car brake method, the introduction of brake fluid. Overview and precautions when using car brake oil, so after reading the introduction of the editor, do you understand this problem?




Post time: Apr-18-2023